Crimson Dragon Title Update Brings Multiplayer By Marc Hollinshead, 28 Jan 2014 FollowtopicsCrimson DragonCrimson DragonXbox Game StudiosOnline MultiplayerOnline Co-opOn RailsMarc Hollinshead For those of you who are a fan of Crimson Dragon, one of the Xbox One launch titles, you may be pleased to know that a couple of new features are coming to the game. Both multiplayer mode and a new "Insane" difficulty are now ready to be experienced.Although the game wasn't particularly well received by audiences, free updates are always a welcome addition. Once you next load up the game, you will be prompted to download a 4GB content update. Once this free update is complete, everyone will be able to play the anticipated multiplayer mode, so they can soar the skies with their friends. As well as this, the "Insane" difficulty will be available for you to test your skills to their very limits.So if you're more of a social gamer, then get ready to hop onto a dragon and play with some friends while battling against the odds!We've got the full list of Crimson Dragon achievements - check the list for guides to unlocking them.More Crimson Dragon stories: XBL Content Roundup: June 24th, 2014 Wingman Discounted in Crimson Dragon Friday XBL Content Roundup: November 22nd, 2013 Crimson Dragon Will Be Updated Before Release More Screens for Crimson Dragon Game PatchXbox OneKinect Written by Marc HollinsheadTo summarize Marc in two words, it would be "Christian Gamer." You will usually find him getting stuck into story heavy action-adventure games, RPG's and the odd quirky title when he isn't raving about Dark Souls and Mass Effect. Outside the world of gaming, Marc attends and helps out in his church on a regular basis and has a not-so thrilling job in a supermarket.