Following on from the earlier announcements from EA and NetherRealm and Rockstar as to what games will be affected by the upcoming GameSpy server shutdown, Capcom has followed suit:
Lost Planet 3: The X360 version is unaffected.
Age of Booty: Unfortunately there are no plans to update or migrate this title to a new service. It's been a great ride (2008/09-2014) and we thank everyone who sailed these seas. You can still play this title offline or grab friends for some LAN action, however.
FLOCK!: Same as Age of Booty; there are no plans to migrate this title. You can still download and play the game, but be aware online features - such as the level editor sharing function - will no longer be active.
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition: Already migrated and there are no issues.
Marvel vs. Capcom Origins: Already migrated and there are no issues.
The good news, if there's ever good news in these cases, is that only one game, Age of Booty, actually has achievements that will be affected. The affected achievements are:
GameSpy is set to shut its servers on May 31st, so if you're missing those achievements, best get them done soon!
We'll be sure to bring you more details as to how the GameSpy closure affects achievements as they become available.