Xbox One Gearing Up For A Digital Summer

By Mark Delaney,
It would be an understatement to say the ID@Xbox platform has been a hit so far. Yes, there have been duds released here and there, but the community recognizes these and mostly avoids them. Many of these new self-published indies have been critical and commercial hits, like the terrifying Outlast, the popular Warframe, and the lovably absurd Goat Simulator. Microsoft is taking the month of August to shine a "Summer Spotlight" on several incoming Xbox One digital games, including many ID@Xbox titles. Five weeks, over 25 games. You're gonna miss a lot of pool parties.

The full lineup has not been revealed but sharply focused eyes can spot more than a few titles in the video above thanks to a lot of gameplay and cover images shown, albeit so briefly. Which did you identify?
Mark Delaney
Written by Mark Delaney
Mark is a Boston native now living in Portland, Oregon. He has written for GameSkinny, Gamesradar and the Official Xbox Magazine. He runs the family-oriented gaming site Game Together.
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