Hush - Into The Darkness New Trailer Released

By Andrew Ogley,
Another game that was announced at E3 this year was the intriguing adventure title, HUSH: Into the Darkness.

Whilst the team over at GS78 remain busy working on the Xbox One version of the title, they have released a new trailer for the PC version on Steam which shows additional gameplay and some of the nightmare foes that the player will encounter. The video also gives a clear idea of the artistic style adopted by the game which is looking pretty good, if not a little dark, so far.

Hush - Into The Darkness will be released sometime in the summer, 2015.
Andrew Ogley
Written by Andrew Ogley
Andrew has been writing for TA since 2011 covering news, reviews and the occasional editorials and features. One of the grumpy old men of the team, his mid-life crisis has currently manifested itself in the form of an addiction to sim-racing - not being able to afford the real life car of his dreams. When not spending hours burning simulated rubber, he still likes to run around, shoot stuff and blow things up - in the virtual world only of course.
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