Take a Peek at Next Week's Game with Gold, Zheros

By Mark Delaney,
In just under a week from now, the Games with Gold offerings will change and Xbox One's next free game will be available for download for all Gold members. Freebie fans are likely already aware of what's coming, but if you're not, the game is ZHEROS, a 2.5D action platformer with dual protagonists. Previous coverage has shown off some gameplay footage. This trailer shows us some behind the scenes material from Rimlight Studios.

ZHEROS hits the download store on the 16th of this month, at which point it'll remain free for Gold members until mid-February.

We've got the full list of ZHEROS achievements - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Mark Delaney
Written by Mark Delaney
Mark is a Boston native now living in Portland, Oregon. He has written for GameSkinny, Gamesradar and the Official Xbox Magazine. He runs the family-oriented gaming site Game Together.
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