XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Five More Now Backwards Compatible

By Sam Quirke,
Hot on the heels of the announcement that XCOM: Enemy Unknown will be part of June's Games with Gold, we've now heard that the game is backwards compatible from today (store link), along with five others. Check out the store links to grab them, or remind yourself that you already impulse-bought them years ago!

Unbound Saga (store link)
Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 (store link)
Hexic 2 (store link)
DuckTales Remastered (Arcade) (store link)
Domino Master (store link)


Don't forget that you can always check out the full list of backwards compatible titles here.
Sam Quirke
Written by Sam Quirke
Sam has been a Newshound since 2016. He loves gaming on all devices and in all genres. He remains a stubborn Assassin's Creed and Pokémon fan.
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