The wait is finally over. That being the one for a patch to Battleborn which will severely nerf the requirements for many of the heroes' lore challenges. The full patch notes are available here if you want to get into the details of what abilities were changes (and basically every hero got some changes). If you just want to know how it affects the achievements, look no further than this article.
For lore challenges, the following were changed across the board:
- "Kill [character] 25 times" was changed to "Kill/assist [character] 5 times"
- "Play with [character] 5 times" was changed to "Play with [character 3 times"
Then there were also dozens of changes to many of the lore challenges to make them much easier. Not all of the grinds were removed - for instance, you still need to soak up 1M damage as Montana, but quite a bit of the grind that was present in the game has been removed. Here are all of the changes:
Reduced the number of enemy kills required by Ambra's “The Winds of Change” challenge from 500 to 100
Reduced the number of Charged Hook critical hits required for Attikus' “In His Face” challenge from 12 to 1
The Flyboy achievement in Battleborn worth 70 pointsComplete all Benedict lore challenges.
- Reduced the number kills required for Benedict's “Help for a Ground Recruit” challenge from 50 to 10
- Reduced the total fly time required for Benedict's “Rocket Jump Professional” challenge from 3 hours to 1 hour
- Reduced the number of games required for Benedict's “The Tour” challenge from 5 to 3
- Reduced the number of rockets per match required for Benedict's “So Many Rockets” challenge from 425 to 300
- Renamed Boldur's “The Unbearable” Career Challenge to “Gathering No Moss!”
- Reduced the number of kills required for Boldur's “Gather No Moss!” challenge from 1,000 to 100
- Boldur's “The Dwarf's Favorite Axiom” Lore Challenge now displays correctly after unlocking
Reduced the number of kills required for Caldarius' “The Arena and You: Partners in Freedom” challenge from 750 to 500
- Reduced the number of kills required for Deande's “Cloak and Dagger” challenge from 500 to 100
- Reduced the number of games required for Deande's “The Seeds of Secret Orders” challenge from 5 to 3
El Dragón
- Reduced the number of kills required for El Dragón's “Fired Up” challenge from 50 to 20
- Reduced the number of games required for El Dragón's “Armed and Handsomest” challenge from 5 to 3
- Reduced the number of kills required for El Dragón's “The Fall of the Luchador” challenge from 1,000 to 100
- The unlock requirement for El Dragón's “The Rise of the Dragon” no longer appears cut off
- Changed the requirements of Galilea's “Frienemies” Lore Challenge from “Kill Ambra 25 times” to “Participate in killing Ambra 5 times”
- Reduced the number of games required for Galilea's “Sisterhood” challenge from 5 to 3
- Reduced the First Blood requirement of Ghalt's “The First Battleborn” challenge from 10 to 1
- Reduced the number of games required for Ghalt's “First Round Draft Picks” challenge from 5 to 3
- Reduced the number of games required for ISIC's “Warning: Rogue Magnus” challenge from 5 to 3
- Reduced the number of kills required for ISIC's “Ocoban Mining Exploration Report” challenge from 250 to 10
- ISIC's “MAGNUS SELF-REVIEW: MAG_MRBX-1210” lore challenge is now properly tracked when using Overcharged Plasma Dash
- Reduced the number of games required for Kelvin's “Miko Are All My Friends” challenge from 5 to 3
- Reduced the number of stuns required for Kelvin's “The Best Defense is De Fence” challenge from 100 to 50
- Reduced the number of stuns required for Kelvin's “Micro Macro Mist Me” challenge from 25 to 10
- Reduced the number of kills required for Kleese's “Slow, Not Dead” challenge from 500 to 50
- Reduced the number of damaged enemies required for Kleese's “A Shocking Message” challenge from 250 to 100
- Reduced the number of games required for Marquis' “Hobo Eradication Protocol” challenge from 10 to 5
- Reduced the number of games required for Marquis' “Overprotective” challenge from 5 to 3
- Reduced the number of kills required for Mellka's “Spaceborne Malady” challenge from 500 to 100
- Reduced the number of games required for Mellka's “Heeding the Call” challenge from 5 to 3
- Mellka's “Best!” stat now properly increments after completing the Prologue
Reduced the number of games required for Miko's “Two's a Crowd” challenge from 5 to 3
Reduced the number of games required for Montana's “War is Bliss” challenge from 5 to 3
- Orendi's Lore Challenge “That's a Very Nice Hat Trick” will now increment properly when the Skill Activation Style is set to Instant
- Reduced the number of games required for Orendi's “That's a Very Nice Hat Trick” challenge from 10 to 5
- Orendi's Nullify is now properly displayed on the Death Recap Screen
- Orendi's Lore Challenge “Very Morphic Pillars” will now increment properly
Oscar Mike
Reduced the number of games required for Oscar Mike's “From Yer Best Bud” challenge from 5 to 3
- Reduced the number of games required for Phoebe's “My Butler Buddy” challenge from 5 to 3
- Reduced the damage required for Phoebe's “Addonexus” challenge from 2,000 to 1,800
- Reduced the number of games required for Rath's “Sustained Across Time” challenge from 10 to 5
- Reduced the number of games required for Rath's “Thank You Letter” challenge from 5 to 3
Reduced the number of kills required for Reyna's “The Best Defense” challenge from 1,000 to 100
Shayne & Aurox
- Reduced the number of games required for Shayne & Aurox's “Mentor for Monsters” challenge from 5 to 3
- Reduced the number of kills required for Shayne & Aurox's “Isn't This a Buddy COMEDY?!” challenge from 200 to 100
- Reduced the number of kills required for Thorn's “Daughter of Shadows” challenge from 500 to 100
- Reduced the number of kills required for Thorn's “Spry Sprite Spray” challenge from 20 to 10
- Reduced the number of kills required for Thorn's “Vengeance for the Lost” challenge from 1,000 to 500
- Reduced the number of games required for Thorn's “Granddaughter of Stone” challenge from 5 to 3
- Reduced the number of kills required for Toby's “Temper, Temper, TA-BOOM” challenge from 20 to 10
- Reduced the number of double-kills required for Toby's “Killing on Rails” challenge from 10 to 1
- The “Core Discharge Damage” Accomplishment increments properly when using Toby's L10 Triple Charge augment
Whiskey Foxtrot
- Changed Whiskey Foxtrot's “Going Alone” Lore Challenge from “Kill Oscar Mike 25 times” to “Participate in killing Oscar Mike 5 times”
- Reduced the number of knock backs required for Whiskey Foxtrot's “Some Find Me Repulsive” challenge from 2,500 to 500
- Reduced the number of kills required for Whiskey Foxtrot's “Say Mike Again” challenge from 500 to 100
The patch will launch this Thursday on Xbox One.
We've got the full list of Battleborn achievements - check the list for guides to unlocking them.