Destiny 2: Deej Interview and Art

By Lucy Wood,
Bungie has been using E3 as an opportunity to fuel up the space magic hype train for Destiny 2 with more artwork and an interview with Community Manager Deej.

As in the original Destiny, players will be able to create Guardians as Warlocks, Titans or Hunters. Three new subclasses have been confirmed for Destiny 2:

  • Dawnblade Warlock - Rises like a phoenix from the ashes and rains down flaming swords.
  • Sentinel Titan - Conjure a shield to deflect enemy fire and take down opponents at range.
  • Arcstrider Hunter - Summons an electric bow staff to devastate multiple enemies at close range.

Bungie hopes that the Destiny 2 community will love to hate their new villain Dominus Ghaul, also known as Gary. Ghaul is a Cabal commander who believes only he is worthy of the Traveller's light. With the assistance of his elite Red Legion, Ghaul sets out to wrest the light away from the Guardians and into his own hands.

Destiny 2 GhaulDominus Ghaul, or Gary to his friends

Players will visit four main locations around the solar system as they battle Ghaul and the Red Legion:

  • European Dead Zone – The largest destination yet featuring a lush forest, abandoned town, a cave system below the surface, and a Red Legion military base to explore and contest.
  • Titan – One of Saturn’s Moons where Commander Zavala is regrouping at the hands of Ghaul. There is no land on Titan. Instead, players explore a series of Golden Age platforms surrounded by a rolling ocean.
  • Nessus – a strange and unstable planetoid that has been fully consumed by the Vex where players will find Cayde-6 is caught up in his own adventures in a stunning landscape of sheer walls, lush canyons, and creepy Vex caverns.
  • Io – A moon of Jupiter, where Ikora Rey has gone in search of answers. Io is the last known site the Traveler visited during the Golden Age, it’s now occupied by our enemies.

Destiny 2 will be released on Xbox One on September 6th. The Xbox One Open Beta will take place from July 21st to July 23rd, with Early Access for pre-orders from July 19th.

We've got the full list of Destiny 2 achievements - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Lucy Wood
Written by Lucy Wood
Lucy wasted her youth in the pursuit of music, art and stories. Eventually she discovered that video games combine all three with shooting and exploding stuff and a gamer was born.
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