Easiest Xbox Achievement Lists from March 2018 By Mark Delaney, 01 Apr 2018 FollowtopicsID@XboxEasiest completionsMark Delaney We're now a quarter of the way through the year, and if the first three months of this feature are any indication, there may never be a month lacking for easy Gamerscore. Maybe this is how it's been for a while and we're just tracking it more closely now. Lots of indie games do give their achievements more generously these days. We've got another full slate of them from March so let's jump right into it. As always, if you see any missing from the list which you believe deserve to be mentioned, let us know!This Month's Easy ACA NEOGEO GamesPrice: $7.99 eachCompletion Time: 1-2 Hours EachWe took some flak last month for wrongfully grouping all the NEOGEO games together before we were reminded that they aren't always easy, just 90% of the time. From now on we'll tread more carefully. According to site statistics, this month's easy titles from the ACA banner are: ACA NEOGEO REAL BOUT FATAL FURY 2, ACA NEOGEO AERO FIGHTERS 3, and ACA NEOGEO WAKU WAKU 7. It has a lower completion percentage among our tracked gamers but March's ACA NEOGEO SHOCK TROOPERS 2nd Squad is another quick completion if you can get the high score milestones that have held some people up.Download ACA NEOGEO AERO FIGHTERS 3 NORTHPrice: $4.99Completion Time: Under 1 HourNORTH makes three months in a row where we've been gifted with an achievement list that can be finished in about 30 minutes. It's a weird and experimental game that allegorically discusses the issue of refugee crises. It's told through some pretty dated looking visuals but is strangely also enhanced for Xbox One X. It's not all bad though, as our review pointed out.Download NORTH One Eyed KutkhPrice: $4.99Completion Time: Under 1 HourWell, look at that! Another sub-one hour completion. We've not yet had two in one month since we introduced this feature. Combined with NORTH, that means for the price of lunch and the duration of your lunch break, you can score 2,000 simple Gamerscore. Disclaimer: We do not condone bringing your Xbox to work unless you have a really cool boss.Download One Eyed Kutkh Spiral SplatterPrice: $4.99Completion Time: 1-2 HoursIt's not as brief as the previous two but it is as cheap as them. Spiral Splatter is a puzzle game with arcade inspirations. It asks you to guide a circle through increasingly challenging obstacle courses. With its short runtime, it may be the sort of palette cleanser many appreciate between some of the month's huge games. Have you tried it yet? Perhaps you can offer some tipsDownload Spiral Splatter A Way OutPrice: $29.99Completion Time: 6-8 HoursEA's third game under the Originals banner is this co-op-only action-adventure from the creators of Brothers. Its list is much like that previous game in that you can beat it without unlocking any achievements at all. But they're all quite easy, you just have to know when and where to get them. We already have several great guides on site from our community, so grab a co-op partner and pay attention to your moves. You'll have an easy 1,000 in a half dozen hours or so.Download A Way Out Did we miss any other easy achievement lists from last month? Let us know and we'll include them. See you next month!Xbox OneID@Xbox Written by Mark DelaneyMark is a Boston native now living in Portland, Oregon. He has written for GameSkinny, Gamesradar and the Official Xbox Magazine. He runs the family-oriented gaming site Game Together.