Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Update Focuses on Multiplayer and Blackout

By Caleb Greer,
Another week, another Reddit post from Treyarch detailing a new Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 update. While the last update consisted of a general stability improvement to the Zombies mode, this update focuses more on Multiplayer and Blackout improvements that primarily tackle Gear and Scorestreaks. That said, stability fixes to all modes have also been made.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

The contents of the global update include:

  • Black Market
    • Resolved an issue where the incorrect animation played after a match in which the player did not rank up.
  • Miscellaneous
    • General stability improvements across Multiplayer, Blackout, and Zombies.

  • Scorestreaks
    • Increased Thresher fire rate and projectile speed.
    • Increased Sniper’s Nest fire rate and duration.
  • Gear
    • Slightly reduced Acoustic Sensor detection range.
  • Maps
    • Fixed an exploit on Morocco where the player could end up under the map.
  • Create-a-Class
    • Resolved an issue where Reactive Camos were not appearing correctly in Create-a-Class.
    • Updated unlock requirement text for the MX9 Reactive Camo.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Long playlist names now display properly on the Multiplayer menu.

  • Equipment
    • Reduced inventory stack size for 9-Bang and Cluster Grenade from 2 to 1.
    • Increased charge time for 9-Bang.
    • Increased fuse time before detonation for 9-Bang.
  • Perks
    • Reduced Dead Silence duration to 120 seconds to match Awareness.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Resolved an issue where Multiplayer Custom Games were not working properly after leaving a Blackout match and opening a custom Multiplayer lobby.
Treyarch has also listed problems that they are tracking and planning to address in future updates, which are:

Prestige Custom Classes
  • We’re aware that Custom Class 8 and beyond are currently not functioning properly for players who have reached Prestige 2 or higher, and we’re working to fix this in an upcoming update.
MP Challenge Bugs
  • We’ve seen reports of a handful of Multiplayer Challenges that aren’t tracking progress properly. We’re investigating and will resolve this in a future update.
Zombies Stability
  • While the team has tracked down and fixed the majority of crashes in Zombies since launch, we know there are still some particularly tricky ones still out there and we’re dedicated to squashing the rest of them soon. Keep an eye on our bulleted notes with each game update, as “stability improvements across all modes” often includes various crash fixes in Zombies. Thanks for your patience while we continue to nail these down.
Lastly, the team added in the post that another huge update will be dropping next week with Multiplayer weapon tuning, audio fixes to Blackout, and more, teasing more details as the update approaches.

The current update is now live. Have fun!

We've got the full list of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 achievements - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Caleb Greer
Written by Caleb Greer
Caleb Greer is a life-long achievement hunter and video game enthusiast from Bossier City, Louisiana, as well as a grad school student of history and a substitute teacher. Other than gaming and history, Caleb is passionate about Star Wars, Halo, Lord of the Rings, Dragon Ball Z, and his girlfriend.
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