The 11 Quickest Game Completions from the February 5th Xbox Sale By Dave Horobin, 05 Feb 2019 FollowtopicsSaleQuickest CompletionsDave Horobin Now that this week's Xbox One and Xbox 360 sales have both dropped, we thought we'd help you decide what to spend your hard earned cash on by listing the quickest completions on offer.Quickest Xbox Game Completions from the February 5th Xbox SaleGame Completion Time Average Discount Store LinksThe Station 0-1 hour 50% ViewTacoma 1-2 hours 67% ViewMaximum Football 2018 1-2 hours 33% ViewHorse Racing 2016 2-3 hours 85% ViewSuper Night Riders 2-3 hours 50% ViewCoffin Dodgers 3-4 hours 60% ViewDanger Zone 3-4 hours 60% ViewBeatsplosion for Kinect (Bundled with Kung-Fu for Kinect) 3-4 hours 40% ViewShred It! 4-5 hours 50% ViewDesert Child 4-5 hours 10% ViewoOo: Ascension 4-5 hours 40% ViewYou can view the full list of the games discounted in the latest Xbox sale here.Will you be picking up any of these titles for a quick Gamerscore boost?Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. For more information, check out our affiliate policy.SaleQuickest CompletionsXbox One Written by Dave HorobinDave is the TrueAchievements Social Manager and has been a Newshound since 2010. When he's not chasing developers and publishers for early review copies, he can usually be found on the TrueAchievements social pages discussing all things TA related.