Rockstar rolls back Red Dead Online after latest update makes the game unplayable

By Sean Carey,
The latest update for Red Dead Online in Red Dead Redemption 2 has been rolled back by Rockstar as it rendered the game unplayable.

Red Dead Online

Red Dead's online mode was riddled with bizarre glitches and strange goings-on. For some players the latest update made all of the game's NPCs disappear, horses were stuck running in place, shooting became impossible and "ghost" wagons were roaming the game world. There were also reports of a mysterious bald NPC that would be running in place at random locations on the map or would just stand and stare at the player. Server connection issues also caused rampant problems with players unable to connect. Naturally, the internet is filled with hilarious clips and memes of the game.

The game was so unplayable in this state that Rockstar has now reverted to the previous version of the MMO. An updated Rockstar support forum post reads:

"An update to Red Dead Online intended to provide security improvements and address connection errors unintentionally introduced a range of issues including connection problems, low animal spawn counts, difficulty pitching Camps, entering Moonshine shacks as well as others on PS4 and Xbox One. We have reverted back to the previous version on those platforms, initially launched on July 28. This should address these recent issues and restore stability - meanwhile, we will continue to work to eliminate any remaining issues through future updates."

The rollback should restore some stability to Red Dead Online until Rockstar can figure out what went wrong with the update.
Sean Carey
Written by Sean Carey
Avid Xbox and achievement fan, Sean has committed to playing the best RPGs, racing games, and first-person shooters Xbox Game Pass and his precious free time will allow. Prior to joining TrueAchievements, Sean gained a degree in journalism from Solent University.
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