Minecraft can be played online with anyone, but the fun is always immediate. Maybe you and a sibling or child just want to build a house. So, chop-chop — down goes a tree! You build a crafting station. Now you need some rocks for a glorious cobbled foundation. Off you go, but you discover a hole in the crag of a cliff face. Down you go, screaming as a huge drop sneaks up on you. Saved by the waterfalls of a crevasse, it seems you’ll never find the light again. Oh wait, the pair of you have descended into a dimly lit mineshaft. What on earth is that scuttling up to you? It’s a damn cave spider. You both leg it back from whence you came, vowing to never head down the mine again. On the plus side, you have a little iron ore… maybe another trip
is needed. That is what keeps us coming back. This is endless adventuring at its finest. No matter how much you have played, how much modding you have done, how many worlds you have built, you can always breathe fresh life into it by playing just one more world seed with a new group. Seriously though, stay away from those cave spiders.

Explore randomly generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor to fend off the dangerous mobs.