Xbox Game Pass loses Desperados 3, Kingdom Hearts 3, and more soon [updated]

By Sean Carey,
Update: As per the latest Xbox Wire post, Kingdom Hearts III is also set to leave Xbox Game Pass on January 15th.

If you haven't started the action-RPG, you'll need to set aside between 50 and 60 hours for the completion. As you're playing, be sure to check out our Kingdom Hearts III walkthrough for guidance on how to unlock every achievement.



For the first time in KINGDOM HEARTS III, Sora will travel across Pixar and other exciting new Disney worlds that lend the story a grander scale than ever before seen in the series. The battle system reaches new heights as well with thrilling action, rideable theme park attractions, and spectacular team-up moves with Disney's beloved characters. KINGDOM HEARTS inspires and entertains unlike anything else out there. Don't miss this brand new installment!

Original Story: Over the holiday break, Microsoft revealed the next batch of games set to leave Xbox Game Pass soon. Desperados III, Pandemic: The Board Game, Mount & Blade: Warband, Ghost of a Tale (Windows), and YIIK: A Postmodern RPG (Windows), will all leave Xbox Game Pass on January 15th. PUBG: Battlegrounds is also dropping out of the service on January 10th but is going free to play a couple of days later.

Desperados III

Desperados III Achievements

Desperados III and its PC Game Pass stack Desperados III (Windows) are both chunky completions that will take you around 50 hours each to complete. However, it appears that the dev console can be accessed in both versions, reducing that 50-hour estimate significantly. If you're interested in doing this one legit, be sure to check out RSDAY's comprehensive Desperados III walkthrough.

Pandemic: The Board Game

Pandemic: The Board Game Achievements

Next up is Pandemic: The Board Game, which according to estimates, takes between 12 and 15 hours to complete its base achievement list. The Pandemic God requires a significant amount of grinding, and The World Needs a Hero, and the Disease Annihaltor both look pretty tricky to unlock.

Mount & Blade: Warband


Mount & Blade: Warband will take you well over 100 hours to complete, so if you want the game's full 1,000G before it drops out of Xbox Game Pass on January 15th, you'd better get cracking. The long completion time looks largely down to some multiplayer achievements that have pretty specific requirements. To complete these, we recommend jumping into or setting up a Mount & Blade: Warband Gaming Session to work through those achievements with another player. The PC version of the game, Mount & Blade: Warband (Windows), has its own achievement stack and drops out of PC Game Pass on the same day.

Ghost of a Tale (Windows)

Gamescom 2

Estimates suggest it will take you around 25 hours to unlock all 20 Ghost of a Tale's achievements. Out of the 20 achievements, 14 of them have been flagged as missable, so if you're going for the completion, be sure to keep an eye out for achievements that you could potentially leave behind on your playthrough.

YIIK: A Postmodern RPG (Windows)

PAX East screens 2017

Another one for the PC gamers! YIIK: A Postmodern RPG (Windows) drops out of PC Game Pass on January 15th, and according to estimates, a completion will take between 20 and 25 hours. Thankfully, we have individual achievement guides for each of the game's achievements, so if you're looking to grab that 1,000G, be sure to check those out.

PUBG: Battlegrounds

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Finally, PUBG: Battlegrounds is also leaving Xbox Game Pass on January 10th, though it is going free to play on the 12th, so you don't need to worry about rushing to complete this one.

Which of these do you need to complete before they drop out of Xbox Game Pass next week? Let us know down in the comments!
Sean Carey
Written by Sean Carey
A big fan of Xbox achievements, Sean has committed to playing as many of the best RPGs, racing games, and first-person shooters on and off Xbox Game Pass as possible. Before joining TrueAchievements, Sean earned a degree in journalism from Solent University.
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