Every summer sees its fair share of mega-movies and blockbusters, and often times, these movies will get their own tie-in game. We've already heard about the upcoming tie-in for http://www.trueachievements.com/The-Amazing-SpiderMan-x....htm, and now today, after the game was already featured in magazines like Game Informer and Official Xbox Magazine, Activision has officially announced a tie-in for the upcoming action movie, http://www.trueachievements.com/Battleship-xbox-360.htm.
Straying far from the formula of the original Hasbro board game or the Family Game Night version, Battleship follows the movie's story of a US Navy Fleet who finds themself stranded at sea in a "communications dead zone" where they must fight off an extraterrestrial threat.
Hasbro Interactive had this to say about the gameplay:
Combining naval strategy simulation with first-person shooter gameplay, players fend off the enemy beachside while ordering attacks against their marine counterparts. Seamlessly switching between battlefield and overview “Battle Command” map, the Hasbro game is brought to life as carriers, frigates, cruisers, destroyers, submarines and the legendary USS Missouri Battleship pummel the enemy in a race to strategic points that turn the tide of battle. The Battleship video game is a next-gen marvel perfectly suited to turn nostalgic game junkies into battle-hardened admirals.
The game has a release window of April for Europe and May for North America.
We've got the full list of Battleship (Xbox 360) achievements - check the list for guides to unlocking them.