Battleship Dev Diary Released By Ashley Woodcock, 22 Mar 2012 FollowtopicsBattleship (Xbox 360)BattleshipActivisionFirst Person ShooterAshley Woodcock Not so long ago, we brought you some screenshots for Activision's upcoming movie-tie-in title, which showed us the battleships themselves and some of the enemy vehicles they will be squaring off against. Before the screens came a gameplay trailer, in which the soldiers, battleships, aliens and spaceships were all caught up in frantic action as they battled each other across land and sea. Now Activision have released a new developer diary, where some of the team behind the upcoming title focus on and break down the essence of the game being "two games in one".The trailer showcases gameplay action on land where the first person shooting takes place against the aliens. At the same time, the battle is also taking place on the sea, where battleships are fighting against enemy vehicles. Despite how busy looking the battleships seem to be, they can offer valuable support and assistance to the soldiers on foot all with the press of a few buttons. The battleships are under your command and can also be upgraded to aid you in your battle against the invading aliens.Here's the trailer: Battleship remains scheduled for release on May 15th 2012 for North America. Solid info is yet to be revealed on a more specific release for Europe, and still sits with the originally slated April 2012.We've got the full list of Battleship (Xbox 360) achievements - check the list for guides to unlocking them.More Battleship stories: Retail Releases: Week of May 14th, 2012 Retail Releases: Week of April 16th, 2012 Battleship Screenshots Released New Battleship Trailer Released Activision Announces Battleship Movie Tie-In VideoUpcoming ReleaseXbox 360 Written by Ashley WoodcockAssistant News Manager for TrueAchievements and member of the Newshounds team since 2010. Lover of completions, tough achievements, shooters, action, adventure and racing titles, hip-hop, Wu-Tang, and the NBA. I can be found working on the never-ending backlog which you can see my progress on via my TA blog.