Retail Releases: Week of April 16th, 2012

By Mark Delaney,
The biggest (though truthfully one of the few) releases this week is a former PC exclusive that now migrates its Enhanced Edition to Xbox 360. The Witcher 2 is a game that pulls no punches. It's full of naked people, dead people, and naked, dead people. It's truly a mature game for a mature audience, and I've still never heard a bad thing about it. It should be a fun week.

North America - April 17th, 2012
Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat (Includes both XBLA releases on disc for $29.99 MSRP)
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

[via Gamestop]

Australia - April, 20th, 2012
The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings

[via MightyApe]

Europe -April 20th, 2012
The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings (Releasing April 17th)

[via MCV]
Mark Delaney
Written by Mark Delaney
Mark is a Boston native now living in Portland, Oregon. He has written for GameSkinny, Gamesradar and the Official Xbox Magazine. He runs the family-oriented gaming site Game Together.
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