Prototype 2 Excessive Force DLC Coming May 29th

By SgtDigglesworth,
The good folks at Radical Entertainment will be amping up the viral shapeshifting and customization once again for James Heller later this month with another DLC drop for Prototype 2 (Xbox 360) titled the Excessive Force Pack.

The Excessive Force Pack will give players:

•Viral Infector Grenade Launcher

Force Multiplier Powers:
Chaos Creator Mode
Medusa's Wrath

Custom Skins:
Armored Heller
Agile Armor Alex Mercer
Zombie Mercer

So, fellow gamers, you can bring more ruckus to the NYZ with Excessive Force DLC come May 29th for the price of 400MSP.

We've got the full list of Prototype 2 (Xbox 360) achievements - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
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