Dead Island 2 teases us back with New Game+ Xbox achievements

The Dead Island 2 New Game+ Xbox achievements have been revealed, giving us more reasons to return to the fantastic Game Pass zombie slasher.

Dead Island 2 teases us back with New Game+ Xbox achievements
Tom West

Tom West


Players who have already unlocked all of the Dead Island 2 achievements have another reason to return to the spooky Xbox Game Pass game when Patch 6 adds New Game+, Neighborhood Watch, and more tomorrow, as we've picked up the Dead Island 2 New Game+ Xbox achievements.

Players checking out New Game+ will be in for a much tougher time than the base story, according to a recent blog on the Dead Island 2 website. After finishing the main story for the first time, you'll be able to return to Hell-A with your slayer for another blood-soaked romp via New Game+, bringing your skills, gear, and abilities with you. The run will skip the prologue and pick up in Bel Air, and it sounds like things will be far more challenging from the off — the zombie threat will increase with your level, so there won't be any room to "cheese" your way through the story.

Basic zombies will have increased health and damage, while many of the varieties of walking corpses will have switched locations to keep you on your toes. Associate level designer James Gamlin also says that while mutated Apex zombies weren't introduced until the endgame in the main story, "In New Game Plus, they’ll be appearing very early on." There are also Revenants, a new variant of Apex zombies that look more menacing and are difficult to take down, acting somewhat like mini-bosses.

Thankfully, New Game+ increases the level cap and adds more skill card slots so you can create even more builds, and all weapons in the mode will be stronger than their base-game counterparts — there are also some more "fixed-rarity" weapons to find.

If you return to Hell-A for a stab at New Game+, you will have two new achievements waiting for you.

Dead Island 2 New Game + Xbox achievements revealed

There are two achievements worth a total of 40 Gamerscore, one of which is secret (to reveal the details of the secret achievement, please use this link).

Name Description Gamerscore
Groundhog Slay Complete all Story Quests in NG+. No actual groundhogs were harmed in the completion of this. 30
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 10
Patch 6 rolls out as a free update for all Dead Island 2 Xbox players on October 22 alongside the game's Complete Edition.
Written by Tom West
Tom has been playing video games since he was old enough to hold a controller, experimenting with a number of systems until he eventually fell in love with Xbox. With a passion for the platform, he decided to make a career out of it, and now happily spends his days writing about that which he loves. If he’s not hunting for Xbox achievements, you’ll likely find him somewhere in The Elder Scrolls Online or fighting for survival in Battlefield.
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