Star Wars Outlaws update to rework "punishing" instant-fail stealth missions

Ubisoft's Julian Gerighty has revealed that Star Wars Outlaws' punishing instant-fail stealth missions will be tweaked and made easier in a future update.

Star Wars Outlaws update to rework punishing instant-fail stealth missions
Sean Carey

Sean Carey


If you're working your way through the Star Wars Outlaws achievements and have been struggling with some of the game's stealth missions, we have some good news for you. Creative director Julian Gerighty has confirmed that a new update for the open-world Xbox game will soon make Star Wars Outlaws' instant-fail stealth missions easier.

Ubisoft will tweak Star Wars Outlaws' instant-fail stealth sections

In Star Wars Outlaws, some of the earlier stealth sections can be pretty challenging, especially as there are some missions where if you're spotted, you are forced to restart that section from the beginning. When asked about these instant-fail stealth missions in an interview with GamesRadar, Gerighty said Ubisoft Massive has been looking through its data and has realized that these missions aren't quite working as intended and that a patch to tweak them will be coming soon.

"I mean, you're probably thinking of one of the early missions in Mirogana, which is incredibly punishing," said Gerighty. "And for me, that is a mistake, and this is something that we're going to work on improving. I don't think it means removing the fail state completely, but I do think there are millions of low-hanging fruits where we can make it so much more enjoyable and understandable."

Gerighty wanted to create a "sort of tension" with these stealth missions, but apparently, they've missed the mark and are unfair towards the player. "We just don't want it to feel unfair," Gerighty said. "And today, I think it feels unfair. And believe it or not, this wasn't our intention. This is more of something that crept in in the last week or so and that we're correcting already for a patch that's coming out maybe in ten days."

Hopefully, when this patch rolls out on Xbox, it will make things a little easier for those who have been struggling with Star Wars Outlaws' earlier stealth missions.

In a previous interview, Gerighty admitted that he was a "little disappointed" with the review scores for Star Wars Outlaws and has vowed to bring improvements to the game.
Written by Sean Carey
A big fan of Xbox achievements, Sean has committed to playing as many of the best RPGs, racing games, and first-person shooters on and off Xbox Game Pass as possible. Before joining TrueAchievements, Sean earned a degree in journalism from Solent University.
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