Starfield fans speculate that a huge Xbox update is coming soon

Bethesda appears to be making some big changes to the Starfield Steam page's backend, potentially hinting that a huge Starfield update could be inbound.

Starfield fans speculate that a huge Xbox update is coming soon
Tom West

Tom West


While we've been enjoying collecting the Starfield achievements with the new features added in Update 1.11.36, it seems like another huge Starfield update could be inbound. Numerous backend changes have been made to the game's Steam page recently, but it's unclear if they're related to the upcoming Shattered Space DLC or a separate update entirely. Whether or not another update is on the way, we think Starfield is one of the best Xbox Game Pass games, and if you're yet to try Bethesda's space RPG, we reckon it's well worth your time.

Bethesda could be preparing for another Starfield update

starfield story trailer

As reported by a user on Reddit, Bethesda appears to have been making a host of background updates to the Starfield Steam page, as many as ten per day over the last week. The increased activity could suggest that an update will arrive alongside the highly-anticipated Shattered Space DLC. Not much is known about the DLC, but Bethesda's Todd Howard has confirmed that it'll launch on Xbox Series X|S and PC this fall.

"Over the past week (and more generally since May 1st), there have been more changes than ever since launch, sometimes more than ten per day," JarusinTheStars says on Reddit. "My theory is that on the day of the Xbox Showcase (June 9), they'll be presenting the Shattered Space expansion as well as the June update, and I think it'll be even bigger than the last one."

Starfield's recent update was a hit, leading to a 72% increase in Xbox players soon after it rolled out. Along with map improvements, new gameplay options, and container tabs, Bethesda also added new display settings for Xbox Series X. Players can now play Starfield with 30, 40, 60, or uncapped framerates when using a VRR display.

Whatever these mysterious changes are leading to, we'll hopefully learn more during the Xbox Games Showcase on Sunday, June 9. If you're hoping to tune into the many showcases over the next couple of weeks, check out our Summer Game Fest schedule.
Written by Tom West
Tom has been playing video games since he was old enough to hold a controller, experimenting with a number of systems until he eventually fell in love with Xbox. With a passion for the platform, he decided to make a career out of it, and now happily spends his days writing about that which he loves. If he’s not hunting for Xbox achievements, you’ll likely find him somewhere in The Elder Scrolls Online or fighting for survival in Battlefield.
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