The Texas Chain Saw Massacre could return to Xbox Game Pass in the future

Gun Interactive's Wes Keltner hasn't ruled out The Texas Chain Saw Massacre returning to Xbox Game Pass in the future and has praised the Xbox subscription service.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre could return to Xbox Game Pass in the future
Sean Carey

Sean Carey


If you're a Game Pass subscriber and haven't unlocked all The Texas Chain Saw Massacre achievements yet, your time is running out as the Xbox horror game is leaving the service next week. However, Gun Interactive's Wes Keltner has spoken about the possibility of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre returning to Xbox Game Pass in the future.

"Game Pass is a great program," says Texas Chain Saw Massacre's Wes Keltner

With The Texas Chain Saw Massacre leaving Xbox Game Pass on August 15, the asymmetrical horror multiplayer title has spent a year in the subscription service. Speaking with Gamespot, Keltner had many positive things to say about Game Pass before suggesting the game might return to the service in the future.

"Game Pass is a great program, especially for small teams like ours that are trying to push relatively new genres forward," said Keltner. "It removes so many barriers to entry for players, and enables them to sample a variety of games and genres they may otherwise never touch. Some may not find horror multiplayer for them, but we found so many new players there. And while a great many subscribers use the program to 'graze,' we've got an active and loyal player base that's been there since launch on all platforms. And we'll see a lot of Game Pass players convert to paid — especially since they get a discount from Xbox to do so. That's a pretty cool deal if you ask me.

"We’ve enjoyed our time within the Game Pass ecosystem and who knows, maybe we’ll enter back into it again in the future. Being one of the most popular games in Game Pass this last year and winning the Xbox Excellence Award is usually a good sign that a game will not only return to that program, but also has a strong future full of new content and experiences. Bloody, gory, fun experiences. See you in Texas."

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre drops out of Game Pass alongside Airborne Kingdom and Shadow Warrior 3 next week. EA has also confirmed that the already delisted FIFA 23 will leave Game Pass in September.
Written by Sean Carey
A big fan of Xbox achievements, Sean has committed to playing as many of the best RPGs, racing games, and first-person shooters on and off Xbox Game Pass as possible. Before joining TrueAchievements, Sean earned a degree in journalism from Solent University.
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