New Xbox walkthroughs published in January 2025 Walkthroughs for Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Editions, Stalker: Clear Sky, and 12 more Xbox games were published by the TA community in January.Robbie Andrews Published 03 Feb 2025 FollowtopicsXbox Series X|SRobbie Andrews It's been another busy month for the TrueAchievements community! In January, a total of 14 new Xbox walkthroughs were published, including a huge Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Editions walkthrough.If you'd like to find out more about contributing walkthroughs — or want to drop in to chat with the team and other writers — pop over to the Walkthroughs forum and introduce yourself. As always, you can also hit that 'Thank the author' button to show your appreciation to the walkthrough creators. Thanks again to all of our walkthrough writers.New Xbox walkthroughs (January 2025) Estimated time200 to 250 hoursPlaythroughs5 requiredMissable achievements140Unobtainable or Discontinued achievements0Estimated reading time11 hours 45 minutesVideos0Published by zr122View walkthrough Estimated time20 to 30 hoursPlaythroughs1 requiredMissable achievements0Unobtainable or Discontinued achievements0Estimated reading time1 hour 15 minutesVideos0Published by squsoView walkthrough Estimated time1 to 2 hoursPlaythroughs1 requiredMissable achievements0Unobtainable or Discontinued achievements0Estimated reading time30 minutesVideos0Published by DeweyPointJrView walkthrough Estimated time4 to 5 hoursPlaythroughs3 requiredMissable achievements0Unobtainable or Discontinued achievements0Estimated reading time15 minutesVideos0Published by LSK ArcAzielView walkthrough Estimated time4 to 10 hoursPlaythroughs1 requiredMissable achievements0Unobtainable or Discontinued achievements0Estimated reading time30 minutesVideos0Published by Johnny SinisterView walkthrough Estimated time1 to 2 hoursPlaythroughs2 requiredMissable achievements0Unobtainable or Discontinued achievements0Estimated reading time15 minutesVideos0Published by Steelhearts23View walkthrough Estimated time5 to 6 hoursPlaythroughs1 requiredMissable achievements0Unobtainable or Discontinued achievements0Estimated reading time45 minutesVideos0Published by Greedy136View walkthrough Estimated time15 to 25 hoursPlaythroughs1 requiredMissable achievements1Unobtainable or Discontinued achievements0Estimated reading time1 hour 45 minutesVideos0Published by Mike MarcelaisView walkthrough Estimated time30 to 40 hoursPlaythroughs1 requiredMissable achievements2Unobtainable or Discontinued achievements0Estimated reading time2 hours 30 minutesVideos2Published by NonKosherSaltView walkthrough Estimated time8 to 10 hoursPlaythroughs1 requiredMissable achievements0Unobtainable or Discontinued achievements0Estimated reading time1 hour 15 minutesVideos0Published by Steelhearts23View walkthrough Estimated time4 to 6 hoursPlaythroughs3 requiredMissable achievements9Unobtainable or Discontinued achievements0Estimated reading time1 hourVideos1Published by shadow46x2View walkthrough Estimated time1 to 2 hoursPlaythroughs1 requiredMissable achievements1Unobtainable or Discontinued achievements0Estimated reading time15 minutesVideos0Published by Steelhearts23View walkthrough Estimated time5 to 8 hoursPlaythroughs3 requiredMissable achievements12Unobtainable or Discontinued achievements0Estimated reading time45 minutesVideos0Published by AriesLullabyView walkthrough Estimated time3 to 7 hoursPlaythroughs1 requiredMissable achievements11Unobtainable or Discontinued achievements0Estimated reading time15 minutesVideos0Published by kT EchoView walkthroughWill you be using any of these new Xbox walkthroughs to boost your Gamerscore? Let us know down in the comments.Xbox Series X|SXbox 360WindowsXbox One Written by Robbie AndrewsHey. I'm Robbie! I joined the development team in 2020. I'm a huge fan of fantasy games (anything with a dragon in it) and story driven games.Also into football and game development.