[DMC5] - DMC1 Battle Track 3-Pack

Allows you to change the battle music to tracks from Devil May Cry. Use the Gallery > Jukebox option to change music (available after starting mission 2).

Track 1: Public Enemy (Dante battle theme 1)
Track 2: Ultra Violet (Nelo Angelo boss battle theme)
Track 3: Lock & Load (Dante generael theme 2)
Note: Cannot be used with Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition
[DMC5] - DMC1 Battle Track 3-Pack screenshot

Set Price Tracking

Regional PricesPrice History
Region Current price Lowest price
United StatesUnited States $1.99 $1.59-20%
United KingdomUnited Kingdom £1.59 £1.27-20%
EuropeEurope €1.98 €1.58-20%
AustraliaAustralia $2.65 $2.12-20%
CanadaCanada $2.99 $2.39-20%
BrazilBrazil R$7.35 R$5.60-24%

Additional Information

  • Release date May 7th 2019
  • Install size of 19MB