Top Scores for the Demon Hunter Series

For the Demon Hunter Series leaderboards, we include all games including regional and platform variants of each game to enable us to properly compare gamers.

Top Scores for the Demon Hunter Series

Gamer Achievements TA GS Played Completed
1. Ohhh Declan 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
2. JotaCê2021 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
3. GOLLE 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
4. Morgoth545 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
5. Perdiep 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
6. Sangriaz 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
7. Aeon2001 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
8. WolfheartSpell 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
9. mechanic arms 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
10. ParadiseLost666 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
11. DarkJam100 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
12. Pteppic42 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
13. Riffai 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
14. FORTE IS KING 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
15. Evi1Scotsman69 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
16. Stook85 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
17. SH4D0WWULF 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
18. pye023 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
19. Andre03 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
20. Lady Venom NF 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
21. Angel XC 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
22. The Rumlins 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
23. True Marvellous 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
24. DarthSquid69 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
25. Pokutescurse 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
26. hchani 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
27. Evil Crusaider 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
28. failurewarning 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
29. Chad and Jessie 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
30. MaxxOfBlack 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
31. Kingcaddrock 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
32. Skate 323 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
33. NewDayRising 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
34. jimmyhova 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
35. Liquidmoves 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
36. robilein 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
37. erichsouza76 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
38. Corwin613 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
39. MINAOUS 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
40. AntonioAdilson 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
41. NightmareEnding 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
42. Rozsomak 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
43. The Gauna 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
44. BrutalGuitar 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
45. X1E18X 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
46. CAICHOU 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
47. The Undead 62 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
48. W Andersson 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
49. VVitchfinder 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
50. BRYAN FORTUNE 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
51. SchelliRyan 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
52. Titchy Dean 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
53. DaRealShady 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
54. JeffGordonRules 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
55. SiegfriedX 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
56. TigerSparky 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
57. fasted22 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
58. ItalicTomcat999 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
59. Totally Krispix 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
60. EATCLEVELAND 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
61. Jeremy Jay One 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
62. MsCarlsson 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
63. Imos Celta 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
64. MrIcyDeath 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
65. LCDS Krueger 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
66. MonsterGrimgore 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
67. Corvus Corax015 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
68. maphisto2000 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
69. HellhounD DK 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
70. GD BerserkerTTD 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
71. Sasquach11235 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
72. rose w7o thorn 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
73. GavInxs 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
74. Sephir0 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
75. SECOUTINHO 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
76. Captain Bogbot 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
77. Mini x Mistress 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
78. tomleb451 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
79. Five1oh 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
80. WileyOldFox 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
81. I Takuya I 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
82. moebelwagen 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
83. Stallion83 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
84. AbleHenry 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
85. RPD Out Break 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
86. Patrizia84 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
87. VisorHUNgary 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
88. nonunique 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
89. GWAR Slave 132 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
90. Shambles11 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
91. lI Majora Il 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
92. FenrisTwolf 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
93. JOZEPHENE 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
94. OFUNBlack 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
95. Clarissalover 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
96. Dragonling 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
97. Lonewolf7701 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
98. Darth RaLLe 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
99. Nymphadora82 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
100. AllStarTC29sMom 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
101. PerfectCindy 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
102. trustmeimasian 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
103. StrayedViper 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
104. Daxa26 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
105. ChemicalEmotion 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
106. Master Belcher 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
107. The Dirktator 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
108. Exe the Hero 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
109. TonTon Perave 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
110. Dark ANUBlS 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
111. Jaycanine 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
112. landbyrd1 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
113. Loki97 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
114. Raziel M0RAGLAR 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
115. dafren 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
116. Whippoorwill 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
117. BXG6 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
118. Mental Knight 5 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
119. Pixie Ninja 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
120. LGM527 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
121. msc 10 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
122. spegelbilder 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
123. Cheekie Munky 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
124. McLustig 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
125. NSW Nescador 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
126. Durinheart 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
127. MidniteStar58 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
128. Bad Mojo 1974 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
129. Jodymack 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
130. Jayadub 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
131. MatKat14 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
132. Its Uncle Kev 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
133. Erathia96 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
134. XC ShadowClaw 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
135. RinsHubbs 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
136. Alehldean 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
137. Zen Vendetta 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
138. GillesdeRais 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
139. jnellett 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
140. nonzer0 sum 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
141. z0mb13k1773r 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
142. MaliciousGhost 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
143. Vespertinal 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
144. Masingo 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
145. GOAT Littlemann 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
146. Dwaggienite 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
147. tonza1234 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
148. dunnasaurus rex 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
149. xxCARM1NExx 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
150. Azrai NemeSisqo 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
151. PooMonkey2000 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
152. LUDO97410 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
153. noodlebutt 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
154. MikorManticor47 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
155. Streak Leader 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
156. RedmptionDenied 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
157. MikeProcurator 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
158. Allanar72 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
159. GmrscoreGuru 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
160. Beef 5tick 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
161. wings2 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
162. Gloebal 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
163. Hitman Darkness 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
164. Senrod 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
165. angelsk 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
166. omgeezus 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
167. CROOKSANDKEVIN 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
168. Clever Jake 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
169. Angus Macready 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
170. vincentw56 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
171. Wishmaster44 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
172. SkiddyDistress 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
173. Panitos 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
174. andvikmel 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
175. witchpire 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
176. Craido Sobrania 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
177. Flynn423 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
178. LordoftheIsles 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
179. DemonicAngel712 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
180. DemonTale 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
181. Amazing Mejor 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
182. Falensarano 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
183. albajos 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
184. xDrunkmonkey42x 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
185. Pigimus Prime 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
186. I KICKER I 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
187. OldMan Kaens 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
188. DrSchlepenstein 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
189. RG Escalante 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
190. PirateSpirit 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
191. angelofdeathWHV 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
192. Prissy 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
193. Kimi 452 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
194. Ultralisk12 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
195. Bloody daylight 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
196. Mary1980 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
197. FoXXy Lady Maus 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
198. Malttikettu 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
199. KENTKILLA87 105 5,951 5,000 5 5
200. II Dish II 105 5,951 5,000 5 5