Top Scores for the GoNNER Series

For the GoNNER Series leaderboards, we include all games including regional and platform variants of each game to enable us to properly compare gamers.

Top Scores for the GoNNER Series

Gamer Achievements TA GS Played Completed
1. TheAaronLad 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
2. CLARION 85 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
3. Kovy88 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
4. Zockaholik 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
5. jrath05 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
6. Grumpertson 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
7. Skeptical Mario 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
8. Wiznyatt 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
9. Infamous 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
10. ezdoesit510 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
11. RunelordOG 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
12. Oaawara2 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
13. PRTM CLUESCROL 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
14. rbenthompson 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
15. Z792 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
16. Leap Of Faith77 51 14,110 2,800 3 1
17. Gman746 50 13,754 2,725 3 1
18. Unky TimFU 49 13,489 2,650 3 1
19. smittykid 49 13,391 2,650 3 1
20. M I K 3 ID v 49 13,300 2,650 3 1
21. Raw Sauce Ross 48 13,229 2,575 3 1
22. Nesmaster 49 13,037 2,650 3 1
23. Five1oh 47 12,873 2,500 3 1
24. Icefiretn 44 12,815 2,400 3 1
25. JimbotUK 46 12,639 2,475 3 1
26. nuttywray 43 11,734 2,250 3 1
27. thearyadragon 46 11,546 2,350 3 0
28. MADeyePadEYE 41 11,414 2,175 3 1
29. Anstral 35 11,145 1,900 2 1
30. CjhCarter 35 11,145 1,900 2 1
31. Atrolity 35 11,145 1,900 2 1
32. Mystical Dragon 35 11,145 1,900 2 1
33. ProSauc3 II 35 11,145 1,900 2 1
34. S IK r i LL e X 35 11,145 1,900 2 1
35. Frankies Back 35 11,145 1,900 2 1
36. Alahert 35 11,145 1,900 2 1
37. KIRITO 231 35 11,145 1,900 2 1
38. hta30 35 11,145 1,900 2 1
39. Juanchu77 35 11,145 1,900 2 1
40. DGA Gigi 35 11,145 1,900 2 1
41. Fine Feat 35 11,145 1,900 2 1
42. Inferno118 36 10,413 1,975 3 1
43. Erukusaki36 34 10,208 1,800 2 1
44. mseweryn 41 10,067 2,040 3 0
45. AussiemarioONE 32 9,744 1,675 2 1
46. vnigma v2 39 9,353 1,900 3 0
47. Jakez123 32 9,213 1,675 2 1
48. Steeg 42 9,087 2,075 3 1
49. ReignerRuler 30 8,900 1,575 2 1
50. Sangriaz 38 8,590 2,000 3 1
51. Venomion 32 8,540 1,625 2 1
52. howlnmadmurphy2 30 8,518 1,450 2 0
53. NinjaBattletoad 35 8,417 1,900 2 1
54. Scoulz 39 8,232 1,925 3 1
55. Cirilo Jones 31 7,823 1,550 2 1
56. kloakaTV 31 7,823 1,550 2 1
57. Lildude3107 31 7,823 1,550 2 1
58. IrishWarrior022 32 7,785 1,555 3 0
59. Morbid237 28 7,691 1,325 2 0
60. CAP Ic3MaN911 30 7,637 1,525 2 1
61. SEMA1225 30 7,637 1,525 2 1
62. H theRedpill 30 7,637 1,525 2 1
63. Guttapunk 30 7,637 1,525 2 1
64. Bulberman 29 7,543 1,500 2 1
65. JackFrostyG 30 7,369 1,475 2 1
66. Triple Triad777 26 7,308 1,425 2 0
67. KinectNinja 29 7,131 1,575 2 0
68. ChaosSlayerX187 28 7,029 1,350 2 1
69. Zeig 28 6,855 1,400 2 1
70. Seankichu 30 6,811 1,525 2 1
71. pete4968 27 6,743 1,375 2 1
72. Retrologue 27 6,743 1,375 2 1
73. LuisTel2000 26 6,622 1,350 2 1
74. BTW indra3 28 6,495 1,350 2 1
75. hammerbros94 28 6,426 1,300 2 0
76. PGS Tower 25 6,421 1,275 2 1
77. SnipedByAGir1 28 6,368 1,445 3 0
78. Lascelly 27 6,363 1,325 2 1
79. HeppyyppeH 28 6,352 1,325 2 0
80. OtherJonjon96 24 6,309 1,250 2 1
81. ElroyOMJ 29 6,281 1,395 3 0
82. You Wont Win 25 6,157 1,275 2 1
83. kakawate 25 6,157 1,275 2 1
84. OO111111 25 6,050 1,225 2 1
85. ThievishRain 25 5,966 1,275 2 1
86. Jawnie B 24 5,880 1,200 3 1
87. DANgerous Mavu 23 5,855 1,175 2 1
88. RowletForSenate 23 5,855 1,175 2 1
89. Slipper21 23 5,855 1,175 2 1
90. danpsfx 21 5,837 980 2 0
91. AceStAyWilDiN 23 5,817 1,150 2 1
92. labyrinth8 20 5,811 970 2 0
93. Krazie 18 5,728 935 3 0
94. maginpanic 16 5,693 900 1 0
95. Genji88Pro 23 5,657 1,125 2 1
96. buttmudBrooks 22 5,625 1,100 2 1
97. corpirate 22 5,625 1,100 2 1
98. Chunkeh Munkeh 21 5,515 1,050 2 1
99. Eternal D4rk 21 5,515 1,050 2 1
100. Mehdi 21 5,515 1,050 2 1
101. Kunzite508 21 5,515 1,050 2 1
102. KooshMoose 21 5,502 1,050 3 1
103. punkzoo 20 5,477 1,025 2 1
104. ClaytonLima75 20 5,477 1,025 2 1
105. Awoo 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
106. RedmptionDenied 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
107. K1ck 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
108. Jamal2807 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
109. vSully 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
110. The Norda 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
111. ParticleDuality 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
112. Seitzz 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
113. Hairy Cabbage 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
114. regret 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
115. Skrubits 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
116. Silver Salvo 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
117. Karashò Rinä 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
118. LEGENDXKILLA 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
119. ViaFix 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
120. AKOJames 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
121. gagamel117 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
122. Fuvandal 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
123. Matt vs Game 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
124. KarnusWolf 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
125. Mysterio400 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
126. Axiom Candy 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
127. Anxsighety 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
128. syyoung 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
129. ItsOnoMichio 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
130. Radiant Synergy 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
131. Proulx 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
132. Wakapeil 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
133. PaunchyDeer473 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
134. Clockwerks 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
135. CheshireMulisha 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
136. AdamEppy 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
137. romaneconti 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
138. ThreeManager6 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
139. Moonbear92 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
140. cptObbes 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
141. Ballerkaefer 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
142. Gutsy Goddess 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
143. Protium 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
144. EmDeeGee 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
145. UliUdo 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
146. Redrum Homicide 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
147. Pelamots 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
148. p MEMI q o0w0o 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
149. Czesio83 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
150. BLYAST 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
151. Borshajen 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
152. WorthyAdventure 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
153. CoffeeWithRadar 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
154. Kol Magius 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
155. Sir of Sirs Oo 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
156. SaucyCooper 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
157. D4kapa 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
158. Davis 888 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
159. raultono 10 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
160. EarthboundX 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
161. SCS 85 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
162. anViv 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
163. LOST Nr 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
164. Cr4ck Sh0t23 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
165. LEG3ND4RYB4D4SS 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
166. IIl DAN lII 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
167. sjeemone 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
168. Cemetery Girls 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
169. ROBBERT DHT 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
170. Dr Dood 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
171. ZippyAdam 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
172. Dyssident 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
173. AAC ALIEN 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
174. PHT999 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
175. Yo Big Russ 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
176. has734 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
177. ClockKingRM 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
178. EdXander7 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
179. DysJayded 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
180. Sazpect 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
181. ACrtnShadeOfR3d 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
182. UlfTheConqueror 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
183. AES0P 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
184. Kumekerion 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
185. Rob Minion 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
186. The Allslayer 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
187. FusionDragon28 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
188. Karachi King 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
189. UselessFATDOG 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
190. Yinga Garten 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
191. ImiltheWinged 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
192. Neverreadyfries 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
193. ScoobyDoobyD0nt 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
194. gtbike 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
195. LethalPenguin26 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
196. JaKoB MP 40 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
197. Decaying Dead 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
198. SonOfBeckett 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
199. Ethstraad 19 5,452 1,000 1 1
200. thatNoseyParker 19 5,452 1,000 1 1