Top Scores for the Nexomon Series

For the Nexomon Series leaderboards, we include all games including regional and platform variants of each game to enable us to properly compare gamers.

Top Scores for the Nexomon Series

Gamer Achievements TA GS Played Completed
1. GD GodSpeed 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
2. FF Tonberry 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
3. Ryanehh 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
4. CyBeR Sm0kEr 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
5. Hydrak1ller 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
6. Gelock90 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
7. DarkJam100 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
8. ALollz 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
9. CopperKnobPolic 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
10. Poyorium 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
11. DragzaH v 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
12. Woodsy90 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
13. WeighingBrute 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
14. Lord Hanzo VI 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
15. KingStefan91 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
16. Heat702 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
17. ShadowManRx 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
18. Grimace McDeath 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
19. DGVShad0w 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
20. MetallicOrions 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
21. p MEMI q o0w0o 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
22. Mattpm13 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
23. I am da L1quor 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
24. Earthfoodrocks 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
25. Vikefan19 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
26. soulmaster1996 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
27. I Mr Smirnoff I 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
28. legend lfarns 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
29. nR x Toytoy 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
30. PlatinumTaters7 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
31. DesgraciaHumana 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
32. Lonewolf7701 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
33. ThatFilthyLopez 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
34. AlertLouielouie 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
35. BlackEyedMonkey 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
36. TheIceColdPain 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
37. Siegler10 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
38. Stealth David 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
39. EMOO ELITE 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
40. Petrified 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
41. Crims0nScorpion 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
42. Sick Thugz Wolf 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
43. IrishYoute 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
44. Captain Vize 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
45. PinkNinjaBunni 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
46. GeneralBasti92 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
47. Serious X Devil 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
48. Tubby2Tons 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
49. Lycan Sage 66 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
50. Ken Robert 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
51. Mr HarborHarbor 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
52. Th v4n Heising 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
53. Piggy Smalls 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
54. BobTheBlob14 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
55. ForeverRed05 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
56. Okamicho 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
57. DiRT I Kyuubi 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
58. misfit119 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
59. Jas4444 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
60. Walburn3301 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
61. Madcap Odin 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
62. M4G II TihMaX 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
63. TheFameLights 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
64. Purds 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
65. Dandoscore 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
66. Mordin Solus 84 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
67. Col Pacman 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
68. Ax7 BEAST 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
69. Ishtasy Di Toma 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
70. Bonkekook 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
71. Jaycanine 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
72. PixelBlast 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
73. zI Sköll Iz 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
74. OniDestiny 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
75. mistHAWKS 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
76. SERPENT SUICIDE 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
77. TTV PaulePoo 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
78. DaYellowFlash52 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
79. Grumpy 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
80. Gerry92 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
81. DrDolem 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
82. Remi The Animal 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
83. GauzyEel3502548 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
84. Seyji 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
85. THE ROXY BABE 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
86. NANASHUFFLE 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
87. RG Escalante 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
88. Owen Poff 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
89. GoyetteQC 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
90. THE Jaaawsh 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
91. ronnie42 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
92. KingOfBEEEENS37 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
93. Fleshwrither 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
94. BurningSoulfire 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
95. WeirdestHickory 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
96. Sacae 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
97. IGNASI 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
98. MochaMaiden 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
99. Viper Bloom 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
100. Pepephooray 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
101. nt1ez8 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
102. UsP iNoScOP3Z x 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
103. OGTrueGaming 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
104. Warndog627 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
105. Ophock 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
106. MikeProcurator 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
107. Ach13v3m3ntz 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
108. A Chief Mints 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
109. CMRooney 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
110. MP KeKeT 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
111. RadiantJoey5050 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
112. jhood13s 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
113. The Hokie Pokey 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
114. CallHector 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
115. Mark DauI 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
116. Kampa16 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
117. AirForceLo 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
118. NetroDude 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
119. MysticZbladez 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
120. Emperoryoda 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
121. BenGee 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
122. WaffleOutlaw 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
123. DaddySwish420 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
124. GnX GoodReapv7 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
125. Felhesznelenev 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
126. Weredog51 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
127. ShinIzanagi 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
128. F3AR Avenger 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
129. Sir Burford 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
130. LKay90 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
131. FROSTxREAPER 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
132. Sir Winnington 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
133. SoN GoKu 03 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
134. RL Whiteboi 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
135. VoltanicJolteon 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
136. MR MOO 69 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
137. CinnabunRuss 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
138. Lady Lykan 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
139. McLOVIN 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
140. Gold l Rogers 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
141. Rá Set Hórus 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
142. JDA27 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
143. maxbybakablack 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
144. DJ RJester 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
145. the1000tepig 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
146. Jaketimus 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
147. lI KyIo Ren Il 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
148. Sighris 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
149. ThronedFiddle75 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
150. Nierly Crazy 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
151. EnvoyE18 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
152. MakeaWishe 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
153. Spielzeugsoldat 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
154. ChillumBong 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
155. Chocombe 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
156. DuckHugget 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
157. ItsBlackJaws 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
158. Blackfire2k5 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
159. Bucko13b 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
160. Brianstormed 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
161. RBILLINGTON94 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
162. Talgore 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
163. EaZy ViZioNs 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
164. UEBERTYP r3 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
165. KushedxX 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
166. Qatastrophy 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
167. KhaosPhoenix 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
168. Triiforce 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
169. Shirai Ryu 4587 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
170. Bennyjojo31 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
171. Dynamite Andy 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
172. Shadowmere142 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
173. Kaziou 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
174. Yodaxxl 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
175. vHucs 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
176. PositiveVibes85 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
177. JackBlaise 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
178. ThatRefereeGuy0 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
179. Kugare 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
180. Schmeeve21 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
181. blakey706 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
182. TheMan0fSteel13 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
183. J0J0CFC 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
184. BergTroll Regat 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
185. BowenB23 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
186. HaVoC17 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
187. A GORILLA GUN 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
188. cameron sykes67 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
189. Duggledug 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
190. Helljumper05I 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
191. PrinceOfEternia 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
192. xGh0stReaper 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
193. Pudalump 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
194. Garbar05 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
195. Enasmernus89 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
196. HoT xDerickVain 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
197. andypurple1 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
198. EscapeGoat 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
199. juanramonh 118 3,862 2,000 2 2
200. SEG Duckshot 118 3,862 2,000 2 2