All Two Worlds Series News

XBL Content Roundup: June 20th, 2014

Xbox 360 Games on Demand As well as the latest title in the MotoGP franchise, which is released in all regions with the exception of North America, we also see a 2010 release hit Games on Demand too.

Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Permanent XBL Reductions for March 2013

As usual, the permanent discounts for March started appearing on the Marketplace at the beginning of the month. In the interest of forming a complete list for you, we always wait until Microsoft post

Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Permanent XBL Reductions Announced for September

The middle of the month always sees a new list of Xbox LIVE content to receive a permanent reduction. The list for September includes XBLA games and DLC. Here is the list: Arcade Games Happy Tree Fri

Posted 13 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Retail DLC Roundup: April 10th, 2012

This week sees DLC releases for 11 Xbox 360 retail games. None of the games add extra achievements to their lists but neither do we have region exclusive DLC. Here is this week’s list: The Black Eyed

Posted 13 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Two Worlds II DLC Returns to the Marketplace

Everybody loves a bit of drama, right? Well, two DLC add-ons were released for Two Worlds II last Tuesday. Neither carried achievements, despite the cheapest add-on being priced at 1200 MSP. Most fan

Posted 14 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Two Worlds II DLC Expansion Trailer

The "Pirates of the Flying Fortress" expansion pack was revealed for back in April, but despite a set of screenshots appearing in June, and

Posted 14 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Two Worlds II: Velvet GOTY Edition Coming

Time to get excited, RPG fans, because will have an upcoming Velvet Game of the Year Edition which will include the upcoming expansion "Pira

Posted 14 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

New Two Worlds II DLC Screens

Back in April, TopWare Interactive announced that there would be DLC coming to later this year, titled "Pirates of the Flying Fortress". We

Posted 14 years ago by Michelle Balsan

Two Worlds II Expansion DLC Screenshots

In April, TopWare Interactive revealed that a new DLC pack, titled "Pirates of the Flying Fortress", would be released later this year to expand the already massive, fantasy world of Antaloor in hit

Posted 14 years ago by Keith Gray

Two Worlds II Expansion Pack Coming

In a news release from America's playground, Las Vegas, Nevada, Topware has announced that they will be releasing an expansion for titled "P

Posted 14 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

Amazon's DotD for April 1st [US Only]

Like Indiana Jones in the grail room, we ask you to choose, but choose wisely, as you look over the latest Video Game Deal of the Day from

Posted 14 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

First Two Worlds II Developer Diary Released

Following the UK release date confirmation they provided last week, TopWare Interactive has released the first Developer Diary video for Th

Posted 14 years ago by Keith Gray

Two Worlds II UK Release Date Finalised

TopWare Interactive has confirmed that RPG Two Worlds II will finally hit shelves in the UK and Ireland on February 4th, after being delayed twice. Along with the release date update, the publisher a

Posted 14 years ago by Keith Gray

Two Worlds II Release Date Confirmed

TopWare Interactive have confirmed that Two Worlds II will be released on January 25th, 2011 in North America, UK and Ireland after being delayed again back in September. However, South Peak Games wi

Posted 15 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Two Worlds II New Trailer

Two Worlds II, sequel to the much criticised Two Worlds, has released a new trailer. It shows a huge melee between orcs and humans, taking place at the coast next to Oswaroth, a city next to the Dra'

Posted 15 years ago by The Splintercat

New Two Worlds 2 Trailer

SouthPeak Interactive has released a new trailer for their follow-up game Two Worlds 2. The trailer is fully narrated to help you follow along in the intense action and describing the lush environmen

Posted 15 years ago by dropK1CK ninJA