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Enter a match with 20 people in a FIFA 09 Clubs Match

3 guidesDiscontinued - These achievements can no longer be obtained due to closed servers, a bad patch, or other unusual circumstances.
Locked 30 Jan 2010 25 Feb 2011
14 4 1

The achievement is difficult due to the logistics of getting 20 people together. I will share my story which could be of help.

I got this achievement before the days of TA Boosting sessions and I am proud of that. I played this game a lot and I met a few people online playing it that were interested in getting the achievement.

I managed to get a group of 10 in a Fifa 09 club and all of them committed to a time to do the achievement when I found another group of 10 wanting to do this on the x360a forums. On the night, though, there was a lack of players on both teams and a desperate search went ahead through recent player and friends lists for people onlne that could help out. both teams were spread between 3 XBL parties, team leaders in 1, main body of teams in 2, and me floating between team leaders and main body providing a link.

In the end the search returned with excess people which meant the achievement could happen. Everyone filled the club lobbies and matchmaking occurred with no problems. For this achievement it is vital that everyone selected a position at the 'select position' screen, if one person selected 'any' the achievement would not happen for anyone.

The achievement unlocked before the match begun.

This achievement is easiest done nowadays in TA boosting session, just make sure you have a couple of backups if people don't turn up.
Ginn0rzAside from the headache of organising nineteen other people into two separate clubs, I would share the following points:

- Open a private chat channel with the other club captain and make a countdown before pressing search for a match, so that you search at literally the same time.
- If you cannot find each other, do not panic. Ask for your team members to leave and rejoin the dressing room, and repeat the same process. Assuming everyone remains patient you should be fine.
- In the lobby, make sure everyone chooses a player position before they ready up and start the game.
- The achievement should pop up as you begin the game.
Posted by Ginn0rz on 07 Sep 10 at 15:10
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