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Win 5 Survivalist Medals

3 guidesDiscontinued - These achievements can no longer be obtained due to closed servers, a bad patch, or other unusual circumstances.
Edward HyenaEdward Hyena514,968
Locked 25 Mar 2010
25 1 0
This achievement requires paid content.

To obtain this achievement, you need to unlock 5 Survivalist medals. Not all games have this medal available. Bronze, silver, and gold all count (Once per game)

Survivalist medals can only be earned in ranked play, and in games that you either own, are purchasing sessions with using the 40 MS point option, or on games that your console is licensed to (i.e. Someone else bought that game on your console). Medals can NOT be earned in demo play, classic play, or if you are using tokens to play a friend's machine.

A chart of which games have which medals available, and the goals that must be met to get those medals is posted here:
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