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But Does it Come in Pink?

Give the Batmobile a pink paint job

But Does it Come in Pink?0
Locked 30 Sep 2015
15 0 2
This is for getting enough decals to color the batmobile the color pink. You will need 10 gold bricks (10 levels played) and a fair bit of studs. Want to also mention that these vehicle tiers (3) cost studs as well as gold bricks. For this achievement you'll need the bottom 8 circles bought. The costs for first row (15,000) each, second for (20,000) each and third row first two are (50,000) each. You'll also need to pay for other unlocks in order to get the next batmobile levels. Once this is done, select the coloring options except for entire vehicle prints and change to pink. Press "Y" and then save the vehicle imprint. Achievement will unlock during this process. Visual guide for this found below.

FrankFPI am having trouble getting this. Have all color options set to pink, just as in the video, but do not get the achievement when saving to the toy tag.
Anyone else having trouble?
Posted by FrankFP on 18 Dec 15 at 16:22
DJCBSAlso not unlocking for me...
Posted by DJCBS on 16 Jul 16 at 22:53
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