I have not played the game but there is an achievement for catching 10 fish
so you will very likely earn a achievement trying to catch 30 fish
The achievement is for catching 10 different fish so just catching 30 might not get you the achievement
This one is so tedious and time consuming that a lot of people are skipping this one. I gave up on the first fish because of the terrible controls.
I think this has been a weekly before, so even if it wont unlock the 10 different fish achievement make sure you arent getting close to 100 total fish which is a different achievement
Microsoft hates the achievement community!
The last time I remember skipping one of these was when Dead by Daylight had a quest. No amount of points was worth that.
Congratulations, Stardew Valley! You have just joined the elite ranks of a game you literally couldn't pay me to play.
Done this twice now, still now achievements unlocked. Think I've caught 8 different fishes now.
Caught 7, got bored. Removed. Sorry.